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Welcome to Victory Power Yoga!

First time at our studio?

Our new student special: 30 days of unlimited regular classes in-studio and online for only $30 to explore classes, teachers, and our community.

Our Misson:

We are Clayton's first heated power yoga studio, offering heated classes for people of all levels. 

Since opening in 2018 we have changed, evolved, and improved our mission, practices, and offering of services.

At Victory Power Yoga, we serve our students and community by offering a variety of gently heated power yoga, gentle yoga, and meditation classes with empowering messages of self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and sustainable growth for each person’s journey with an ever-improving display of respect for the holistic tools of yoga, and its principles.

As a small business, we are a team made of yoga students dedicated to the life-long pursuit of education in yoga and wellness, integrity in business and relationships, fairness for our clients, and the ongoing understanding of what it means to “be for everyone.”

We dismiss the easy way out. “Good vibes only” is not our thing. We exist to help people of diversity in backgrounds, races, religions, orientations, and body types, and creeds to create a better sense of holistic wellbeing in their bodies and minds.

Mats and Taps Sunday

Join us on Sundays at 12pm-1pm for all-levels power yoga at Deep River Brewing Co. in downtown Clayton.  Come for the beer, the yoga, or both...we won't tell. *Check our live online schedule for cancelations.

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